
Multi level MLM Software Solution

Codunite Multi level MLM software comes as a package with resourceful components like admin panel, customized website layout as per the requirements.

Multi level MLM Software

Before getting into Multi level MLM Software, Let us discuss what is Multi level compensation plan (or) Multi level MLM Plan. Multi level MLM Plan allows you to sponsor only one line of distributors, so everyone you sponsor is on your forehead. There are no limitations in width of the Plan and fees are normally paid on a limited depth. In this plan, each member can add as many members in his downline. As there is no limitations to this plan, you can build a stronger and lengthy down chain. Regular compensation plans pay anywhere between 5 and 7 levels deep. The objective of this compensation plan is to recruit many members of the team first and then line them even. Multi level Plan is considered in such way that it is easy to understand for anyone. Here in this plan, to earn commission there is a minimal amount of member volume required. Hence this plan really works smooth for part- timers. According to Uni-Level compensation plan, one person controls the entire down chain members, here the first person will get the dividend of each other down chain member respectively. In addition, modern Multi level plans also give away with bonuses which makes this plan more attractive. While comparing to other MLM Plans, Uni- Level Plan is much easier to understand, so that it is an easy Plan to explain. The training time for this plan will be very less while comparing to other plans. Most of the modern companies use Uni-Level Plan as the basic plan and customize it to another plan. While considering any kind of MLM Organization, Uni-Level plan is technically the good plan to deal with. Uni-Level plan will undoubtedly score 5 out of 5 stars for any startup MLM company.

codunite Multi level mlm software allows you to build a limited width organization.The Multi level level MLM business plan is flexible; MLM company can extend Multi level tree width according to their compensation plan. The Multi level level business plan is also known as forced Multi level business plan comes under the categories of Metrix MLM business plan. In this plan, there is limited width and depth set by multi level marketing business companies. The concept of the Multi level level business plan is completely based on Multi level multiplication. Numbers of distributors get recruit according to the goal set by the business companies. Every business plan has some rules and guidelines which are set by multilevel marketing companies.

Codunite Multi level MLM software comes as a package with resourceful components like admin panel, customized website layout as per the requirements, hosting for the website, and security integrations. Our replicated website control is inclusive of functionalities like content management system, adding and editing public pages, multi-URL engine, admin design control, and terms and conditions CMS.We develop customized online software’s for MLM companies. Multi level marketing or direct selling companies are running on trust.


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